Can academic software improve your work-life balance as a researcher?

The fact that people in academia are constantly overloaded with work and never able to maintain a proper work/life balance is often considered an integral part of academic lifestyle. Influenced by this belief, many researchers develop a sense of “academic guilt” feeling like having some time free of work is something wrong. However true productivity requires downtime. And even though it’s often hard to free up a few hours a week, every job has some routine processes that can be optimized.

One of such “routine processes” in academic research is choosing the right software to manage and keep track of all the different aspects of academic work. At Flowcite we’ve done this job by bringing all top-notch services into one intuitive platform, so you don’t have to spend time choosing the best text editor or reference manager.

At Flowcite you can create individual or team projects; search for qualitative sources across more than 20 million articles from the best knowledge libraries; save unlimited amount of citations and references and incorporate them into your paper in a click; adjust citations to more than 7000 citation styles and receive AI-driven suggestions about style, grammar, and punctuation. Above that, the platform provides access to most popular pre-submission services such as paper proofreading by a subject expert, similarity checker, journal matchmaking and expert peer review.

Designed in a way that helps to arrange thoughts and processes into an intuitive workflow, Flowcite allows researchers at any level any level – from students to Ph.D. graduates – minimize redundant work processes and save their time.

Sign up to try Flowcite for free right now, or visit our YouTube page to learn more about the features we’re offering for optimizing your research, writing, editing and publishing processes.

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