Scholarcy and Flowcite join forces to make research easier for academia

The AI-powered article summarizer by Scholarcy is now available as a part of Flowcite integrated platform for academic research, writing, editing and publishing. 

Scholarcy’s online summarizer and knowledge extraction tool aims to make everyday research faster and more productive. The AI-driven solution reads and summarizes any type of document – from research papers to web articles – to help researchers speed-read sources; follow the arguments; and take away the main points in minutes. On average, Scholarcy reduces the time needed to fully appraise a paper by 70%. Scholarcy also highlights key terms and identifies the most important points and key findings in a paper, presenting them as a short bullet-point list.

Joining forces will help both Scholarcy and Flowcite succeed in making research more accessible, not just to the scientific community but to the wider community.

“We share many common goals with Flowcite, principally, making published research more accessible and easier for students and researchers to assimilate into their own work.” said Emma Warren-Jones, Co-founder of Scholarcy. “By partnering with Flowcite and making Scholarcy summaries available to Flowcite’s users, we believe we can help remove some of the barriers to research today. Keeping up with the sheer volume of published work and being able to efficiently analyse and assess this is becoming more of a challenge for the research community and one that increasingly requires automation.”

Partnering with Scholarcy allows Flowcite to expand its platform with a new service that will make the research and literature management process easier and more seamless for its customers. Integrated as one of the basic Flowcite features, the AI-powered article summarizer will allow the researchers to quickly assess relevance of  documents to their research project, thus saving their time on research discovery and assimilation.

“We are very excited about the opportunity to work with a company that shares the same innovative mindset as we do, and that has already made life of thousands of researchers worldwide so much easier”, says  Katya Churbanova, Head of Communications at Flowcite, “Expanding our services with Scholarcy makes us closer to our goal of creating a unique all-in-one solution for researchers that will help them manage every single aspect of the paper writing process without having to switch between different apps and tools. Today Flowcite and Scholarcy products work together seamlessly, meaning that every customer can get a Scholarcy summary of any PDF paper in just one click”.

About Scholarcy  (

Scholarcy is a UK based technology company applying machine learning to extract structured data and knowledge summaries from scholarly content. Researchers use Scholarcy to identify and verify the key findings and sources from research papers. Publishers and aggregators use the Scholarcy API to extract rich metadata from documents in any format, and to support the publishing process – from manuscript submission and appraisal – to review, publication, and promotion. University communications teams use Scholarcy to generate plain language summaries from complex articles to promote their research output.

About Flowcite (

Flowcite is an integrated academic research, writing, editing and publishing platform that brings together all the information, resources, and technical formatting tools needed to prepare an academic paper. By connecting the most innovative software for collaborative research, writing, and publishing into one intuitive interface, Flowcite offers a new ‘all-in-one’ approach to academic research and writing. Using Flowcite to optimize routine administrative and formatting tasks can save up to 80% of researchers’ time spent on non-writing activities and let them focus more on the actual research.

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